About me
Qualified Executive Coach & Business Professional
I'm James Anderson, an accredited coach, with a Master’s degree in Existential Coaching from the New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling in London.
As well as coaching clients across different industries and professions, I also work in training and leadership development, and I have recently completed the delivery of a major leadership and skills course for young cancer researchers in Europe.
Over my 25 year career, I have developed extensive experience in both the public and private sectors in strategy, management, and leadership. I have worked for world-leading companies, such as McKinsey, Accenture and IQVIA, and have also held senior and board level roles in the English National Health Service.
I am accredited and registered as a "Practitioner" with the European Mentoring and Coaching Council, where I am also an associate member
About coaching
Helping you meet the challenges of life and work
I help people to find meaning, motivation and success in their professional lives. Sometimes this can be quite specific and focused work - for example, time management or communications skills. Often, though, it involves taking a look at “the bigger picture” of what they are looking for in their career. Many of my clients are at a point of transition, for example looking for a promotion in their current role, considering a change of career, or returning to work after time out. We work together to identify the right “next move” and how to make a success of it.
My coaching is built on "existential" principles - drawing on a long philosophical and therapeutic tradition that stresses the importance of facing up to our own freedom, and taking responsibility for living our lives in a way that is true to ourselves.
Rather than using a lot of frameworks or tools, I tailor my approach to clients' individual needs and situations. I encourage clients to think deeply about their values, the range of options that they have to fulfil these values, and also consider the constraints (both real and imagined) that might be holding them back.

I draw on my own long professional experience in both the public and private sectors, and my proficiency in skills training and professional development.
I am an associate member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), and I adhere to the EMCC Global Code of Ethics.